[Gllug] text based rss reader

Ben Fitzgerald ben_m_f at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 18 16:51:07 UTC 2006

On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 04:20:39PM +0000, Holger Duerer wrote:

> I use 'u' (gnus-summary-tick-article-forward) to mark articles, i.e
> there is only one type of flag.
> I assume the rss backend will also eventually expire articles, so you
> may also want to copy them into the cache (bound to '*' key --
> gnus-cache-enter-article).
> However from your question ("Can I ...?" instead of "How can I ...?")
> I deduce that you are not aware that Gnus is part of Emacs.  You may
> want to consider whether learning Emacs and Gnus is worth your effort
> just to read RSS feeds.  (Not that I would want to discourage anybody
> from finding the way to enlightenment.)

haven't a clue about emacs (vi has been good to me!).

but I'm always willing to learn. plus this page got me to the point
where I can use "u" to mark items:


many thanks for this tip. gnus looks like it could give slrn a run for
it's money, once I get the formatting sorted.



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