[Gllug] 'net access from hotels in the USA

Andy Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Mon Jan 23 23:45:37 UTC 2006

John Winters wrote:

>My wife's sister is proposing to cycle across the USA from coast to
>coast (again!) next summer.  The last time she did it she took a laptop
>with her and e-mailed her dispatches with the aid of a modem and hotel
>telephone lines.
  I am US citizen living in the UK.  I am currently in the US and the 
answer is "Yes" (well mostly) almost all hotels have it now even the 
very small and cheap ones like Motel 8, econolodge, etc.  I do recommend 
she take a wire (cat-5) along too, just in case as I am not sure that 
the hotels actually offer wireless, though I am sure many of them do.  
To save on space, she can take a very short one, but I suggest she take 
one.  If she doesn't mind missing a night she could even leave that 
phone cable at home, but for the weight savings I would take one just in 

Andy Farnsworth
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