[Gllug] Re: The BETT education exhibition at Olympia

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 30 14:26:23 UTC 2006

   As a follow-up to the annual BETT show I was invited to look at the BECTA


   There were some details about a very small series of comparisons between
schools which opted for full, partial, or no change towards OSS. The
findings were that support costs for all cases were around 60% of the total
cost of ownership, slightly higher for secondary than primary schools,
although these could probably have been less if more attention had been paid
to initial training. However the total cost of ownership using OSS was only
about 50% of that for non-OSS, customer satisfaction was higher, and older
hardware performed sufficiently well that precious resources could be used

Chris Bell

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