[Gllug] V-CD problem

Emon contact_emon at gawab.com
Wed Jan 18 18:48:55 UTC 2006

Hi all

I am running Slackware10.2 with KDE desktop.

I am having trouble playing a particular VCD, first I mounted
the VCD, which went ok, then tried playing the file
"/mnt/cdrom/mpegav/avseq01.dat" with gxine but it gave me the
following error.

xine engine failed to start.

No demuxer found - stream format not recognised.

Then I tried to copy the file, but KDE gave me the following

Cannot read file /mnt/cdrom/mpegav/avseq01.dat

So I tried this in the console & it gave me the following error

jadukor at magic-box:~$ file /mnt/cdrom/mpegav/avseq01.dat
/mnt/cdrom/mpegav/avseq01.dat: ERROR: cannot read
`/mnt/cdrom/mpegav/avseq01.dat' (Input/output error)
jadukor at magic-box:~$

So reluctantly I switched to XP & tried to play the file with
PowerDVD5, and it played fine.

Then I tried to copy the file to my HDD, which also went fine; I
was unable to do any of these under Linux!!
Then tried playing the file again from my HDD under Linux with
gxine, this time it played fine.

So..... what has gone wrong??

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