[Gllug] External hard disks

Jack Bertram jack at jbertram.net
Sun Jan 29 10:19:04 UTC 2006

* Mike Brodbelt <mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk> [060129 01:18]:
> On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 18:02 +0000, Jack Bertram wrote:
> > - smartd
> Sorry - you're SOL here.
> Unless something's changed (and I'm not aware of it if it has), you will
> be unable to do any monitoring of external devices. It's rather
> annoying. Of course some motherboards these days have an external SATA
> port, and there is a standard for externally attached SATA. If you could
> use that, I would imagine monitoring would be fine, there being no
> bridging involved.

Ouch.  This is a real turn-off for me.  I don't have any external SATA
ports, so no monitoring...

> > (And I presume that you partition them and use them in exactly the same
> > way as a normal internal drive?)
> Yup. Using udev to make them always appear with the same device ID,
> whatever order you plug them in in is wise.

Do you know a good web link to explain how to do this?

Many thanks,
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