[Gllug] Hacker Attack, and a wild aside about version-controlled filesystems

ccooke ccooke-gllug at gkhs.net
Fri Jan 13 12:33:41 UTC 2006

On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 10:45:20PM +0000, Nix wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, ccooke at gkhs.net announced authoritatively:
> (In fact, if you add some subrs to emacs so that it can write to and
> read from extended attributes, you can write a recant.el, as all the
> communication with Recant which goes beyond POSIX is done by chattering
> over specialized (fake, non-stored) xattrs. Of course recant.el should
> use keybindings inspired by vc.el... I think I'll do one for XEmacs and
> try to push the xattr API into Emacs too, if there isn't one already
> ;))) but I'd better finish writing the filesystem first, if the damn
> trains will stop stalling at Hitchin and suspending the line with
> nowhere for me to go, followed by two hours of wandering around Hitchin
> looking for a northbound bus, taxi, *anything*...)

This, of course, pales in horror beside the guy I met who used a very
specialised emacs in place of /sbin/init. Every single utility on the
system was rewritten inside emacs...


> > -- 
> > d=(1 0 6 0 1 0 5 5 41 5 3 12 4 5 15 1 4 -2 5 5 0 5 4 24 3 5 27 1 3 -2 1 3 6)
> > a=0;while :;do ((v=(c=a)+3));((x=d[d[a]]-d[d[a+1]]));d[d[a]]=$x;((a=d[d[a]]\
> > <0?${d[a+2]}:v));case $a in -1)read d[d[c]];a=$v;;-2)echo ${d[d[c+1]]};a=$v\
> > ;;0)exit;;esac;done 2>&- # Charles Cooke, Sysadmin.  
> Neat. Crashes bash, too. :)

It's an emultion of a single-instruction CPU plus a program... there
wasn't really enough space to either add a limit to the program or
overflow detection to the code :-)

Z=$[(X=`tput cols`)*(Y=`tput lines`)];O=(X+1 X X-1 1);a(){ for((p=0;p<Z;p++));\
do z=$[y=p/X+1,x=p%X+1,0];q=${B[p]};[ $i ]||B[p]=$[RANDOM%3];for e in ${O[@]} \
${O[@]//#/-};do(((j=p-e)>0))&&((0${B[j]}&&z++));done;c=\ ;((z==3))&&c=1;((z==2\
))&&c=$q;echo -ne "\E[$y;${x}H$c";A[p]=$c;done;i=1;B=("${A[@]}");a;};a # ccooke
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