[Gllug] Xen kernel build

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Sun Jul 9 23:13:37 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-07-09 at 12:20 +0100, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
> Mike Brodbelt wrote:
> > Any ideas appreciated....
> >   
> I've had similar issues, but I get a little further than you.
>  From the top level of the Xen dist type "make mkpatches", this will 
> generate a single patch that you apply to a vanilla kernel.  Do so with 
> "patch -p1 < /path/to/path", drop your .config into the top level and 
> then "make oldconfig".
> You should then be able to "make bzImage" but it will fail to compile 
> and no-one on the Xen mailing list or help channels will be able to 
> explain why :) 

Hmm - that's less than entirely helpful :-). Thanks for sharing

I've finally got a build out of it, by downloading the Xen source dist,
and from the top level, doing:-

# make linux-2.6-xen-config CONFIGMODE=menuconfig
# make linux-2.6-xen-build

which leaves me with a built kernel and modules in dist/install. Why the
patch route doesn't work I don't know though - this won't work with
make-kpkg without some extra effort, which is a pain....


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