[Gllug] [OT] scripting OpenOffice Impress
salsaman at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 26 16:26:16 UTC 2006
Craig Millar wrote:
>Does anyone have any experience of scripting with OpenOffice? We have to
>prepare the occasional powerpoint presentation that consists of several
>hundred stock images. Up until now, some poor mug has had to insert these
>images one after the other and I started wondering if I couldn't automate the
>process, essentially: loop through the images in ascending order and create a
>new page for each one containing the image. If an image is missing, use a
>blank page instead.
>Sounds easy enough on the face of it, but google has deserted me today. I
>can't seem to find an example of something similar to go on. Does anyone have
>any suggestions or resources? Failing that I might just do it in html
>although there will be grumbling if it's not in ppt format.
Hi Craig,
I have a macro which does almost the reverse of what you want - takes a
.ppt and splits it in to images.
You could use this as a starting point for your own macro.
I found some info on the web, but it wasn't easy to track down.
openoffice.org has some docs, but you need to dig around a lot.
After importing the macro, you can call it by e.g:
ooffice -invisible -headless
I am going to work now, I will try to send you more info later.
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