[Gllug] GLLUG Newsletter - 19/06/06

Ryland, Peter peter.ryland at squaregain.co.uk
Tue Jun 20 09:50:19 UTC 2006

> That's my point. There are two sorts of forum - those where you want to
> react to posts as you go along and those where you want to think about
> things, re-read the thread, etc before perhaps replying. The first type
> fits an email format, the second a web format. 
> A "learn Python" forum belongs, IMHO, in the second category. You'd
> want to spend time trying things, investigating etc before coming to a
> conclusion about the contents of a post. You'll want to devote a chunk
> of time to it, not slip it casually,

In that case, perhaps a wiki is a better choice?


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