[Gllug] Receiving Faxs

andrew Black andrew-li at black1.org.uk
Thu Jun 1 10:09:21 UTC 2006

It is a long time since I have looked at this - do anyone have any 
solutions they would recommend.

I want to be able to receive the odd fax (1 or 2 a month) in a PDF or 
bitmap format.  I would prefer to receive them in email, or get an email 
to say there is something waiting on a server.

Why? I have a friend who needs to send me graphic data + text.  He has 
trouble sending attachments and uploading to websites - mutterings about 
old PC virus checkers and old version of AOL software.  I am not getting 
involved. He does have a fax machine.

So if I receive faxes on an occasional basis that would be great.
Any other solutions to the underlying problem would be great.


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