[Gllug] PAN newsreader - grrrr

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Thu Mar 16 21:12:56 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 10:23 +0000, Tethys wrote:
> On 3/15/06, Stephen Harker <steve at pauken.co.uk> wrote:

> mrburns:~% gnome-control-center
> bash: gnome-control-center: command not found
> I don't use a GNOME desktop, nor is it even installed (and I don't
> particularly want it to be). It just annoys me intensely that certain
> apps are crippled by the lack of GNOME being installed. There's no
> reason to make apps that are so dependent on other components being
> present, but sadly it appears to be becoming all too common these
> days.

Lump me in the gnome-loather category too. I like and use many gnome
apps, but I've no wish to run the gnome desktop. The apps get a lot of
config information from gconf, so you have basically two options, AFAIK.
You can run gconfd, and use gconf-editor to set numerous preferences, or
you can opt to use ~/gtkrc-2.0. Neither option is particularly well
documented, and I have a great distaste for gconf, which appears to have
been developed by people who don't get why the Windows registry is such
a godawful mess, and think it's a good idea to re-implement it on Linux.
Thank god the kernel hackers don't think like that.

This link may be useful:-


I run gconfd-2. Life's too short....


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