[Gllug] [Job]Need a Sysadmin

Richard richard_c at tpg.com.au
Fri Mar 10 17:51:40 UTC 2006

Hi guys,

I'm helping out a mate who needs a new sysadmin. Replies to me in the 
first instance, with a CV.




We're looking for a Linux (Debian) sysadmin with a hint of FreeBSD  
skills and the occasional encounter with IIS.

You will be in charge of 2 small size co-location facilities and the  
internet facing network at our London city office. Your day to day  
duties will be running the network from the Fire wall to the Web 
servers, DNS and spam filtering Mail server.
If that isn't enough for you, the role also includes internal  
consulting on technologies used in various projects and you could be 
involved in the full life cycle of projects from scoping to delivery if 
you where so inclined. It is a fairly people based job and you  will 
come in contact with marketroids.

Job is located North East London (EC1N), nice area, nice people but very 
high pace. Salary is negotiable around the 35K + healthcare mark.
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