[Gllug] [OT] yahoo messenger...

Holger Duerer hduerer at gmx.net
Thu Mar 30 11:09:09 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Emon" == Emon  <contact_emon at gawab.com> writes:

    Emon> Hi all
    Emon> Any idea why Yahoo is neglecting all those *nix users out
    Emon> there? I mean the last they released a messenger was for
    Emon> RedHat9 and that's about it!! I know that there are
    Emon> alternatives like Gaim & others, but they don't seem to
    Emon> support all the features :( & it seems that Yahoo doesn't
    Emon> care either... any idea why??
I think if you look at more of their products you will find that Yahoo
is mostly a Windows-only shop.  E.g. AFAIK even Macs cannot use
Y!-Music.  Their business is selling Ads, so those few Unix users who
are also mostly tech-savvy enough to avoid their ads are not on their
radar.  Face it:  you will probably cost them more money than they
make from you.

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