[Gllug] disk problems

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Mar 16 00:20:29 UTC 2006

On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, John Winters yowled:
> Perhaps we could have a willy-waving contest for the coolest CPU.

How useless. Let's do it, because I can beat you instantly. ;)

> CPU Temp (AMD):
>              +37°C  (high =   +60°C, hyst =   +50°C)

Oops, you lose:

>              -1°C   (high =   +80°C, hyst =   +75°C)

... but that was due to an lm-sensors bug and the CPU wasn't
really remotely that cold. ;)

> AMD Athlon XP 2200+ with athcool and a Zalman flower cooler.

A friend of mine installed one of those once. It, well, didn't help. (I
think you need to be some sort of hardware wizard to install coolers
properly. I'm not even *thinking* about Peltier array coolers or
those insane ones that pump water around your machine.)

`Come now, you should know that whenever you plan the duration of your
 unplanned downtime, you should add in padding for random management
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