[Gllug] [REMINDER] GLLUG Meeting tonight

Sean Tohill S.Tohill at westminster.ac.uk
Thu May 25 16:27:49 UTC 2006

On Thu, 25 May 2006, Dan Stevens (IAmAI) wrote:

> Does anyone have time to kill before the meeting? I finish work at
> 17:30 but I would in no way be able to go home and come back in time
> for 19:00 so I'm thinking of hanging around at work, unless anyone
> else is hanging around in the city before it starts. Does anyone go
> down early?

there's always a few people get here early. there's some open access 
machines you can play on.
i'm hoping that in september we can have a few more casual hanging out for 
a few hours type meetings. the bar should be finished by then and the 
recently formed student compsci society will hopefully be organising some 
more casual events and gaming nights.


> On 25/05/06, Simon Morris <simon.morris at cmtww.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> There is a GLLUG Meeting tonight in the Small Lecture Theatre (slight
>> change of venue) in our usual building [0]
>> We have 2 events this evening:
>> Christopher Fraser from FilmLight is going to present a talk on their
>> specialised cluster architecture which is putting Linux to use in the
>> film industry.
>> The GLLUG quiz is going to follow which is going to be a fun team event
>> on Open Source, Free Software and general techie questions (but nothing
>> to boring or "man page" like)
>> The winning team gets a goodie bag each with prizes generously donated
>> by Positive Internet, Novell and Cheep Linux (Thanks again guys)
>> There is also a mystery prize (!?) that the winning team can share at
>> the end.
>> We start at 1900 so I hope to see you there.
>> ~sm
>> [0] http://gllug.org.uk/uploads/wmin-campus.pdf
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