[Gllug] Picasa for Linux

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sat May 27 11:54:56 UTC 2006

On Fri, 26 May 2006, Mike Brodbelt moaned:
>                                                  GIMP print will do a
> better job than Picasa can through the Wine driver layer.

Pedantry: that's `Gutenprint' now.

(I agree regarding Picasa: its largest benefit that I see is that it
*did* lead to Wine improvements, which can't be a bad thing.)

`On a scale of 1-10, X's "brokenness rating" is 1.1, but that's only
 because bringing Windows into the picture rescaled "brokenness" by
 a factor of 10.' --- Peter da Silva
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