[Gllug] Gates in Europe today pushing software patents

Richard Jones rich at annexia.org
Fri Nov 10 11:11:58 UTC 2006


  Research was the secret to Microsoft's success and others should
  follow its lead, Gates said.

Isn't there some sort of disease where people pathologically lie?

  "We try to be an example, a real evangelist for companies who invest
  in research. We think that has been our very best investment," he

Hang on, he's talking about his philanthropy.  Surely it'd be better
for philanthropic work to be made available for free?

  Intellectual property rights and education played a very important
  role in supporting innovation, and the United States has made more
  leaps forward in information technology and biology because of a
  strong patent regime that rewarded ideas, he said.

Right - the people who invented the first processors, networks, etc.
patented everything, and that really helped.  Oh, hang on, actually it
didn't, according to Gates in 1991:


Richard Jones, CTO Merjis Ltd.
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