[Gllug] Tesco takes on Microsoft in battle for software market

John Hearns john.hearns at streamline-computing.com
Mon Oct 2 08:35:02 UTC 2006

Henry Gilbert wrote:
> Before that, I must find out if the upcoming Slackware together with
> all of my crucial apps + plugins will work well with the AMD "64-bit"
> processor.
Don't know much about the desktop or Slackware, but we've certainly 
shipped 1000's of machines with 64-bit distros.
(I shan't plunge into the current AMD versus Intel thread.)

A 64 bit machine will happily run a 32 bit distro though (I have done 
this). So if you are really concerned about those apps and plugins you 
could at worst do a 32 bit install. Or run 64 bit and use Xen instance 
for the 32 bit applications which refuse to run.
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