[Gllug] Web design

James Roberts jr at stabilys.com
Thu Oct 12 08:50:29 UTC 2006

Chris Bell wrote:
>    Thanks for all the advice, it corresponds to what I understood from other
> previous correspondence. I have simple requirements, and am happy to follow
> the simple route,  but someone else is keen to set up a new website with
> features that would appeal to his mates, with all possible gimmicks and
> add-ons but without any effort. I now have the job of trying to convince
> him.
A final point: everyone has been very critical of WYSIWYG web design 
tools. Yes, and no. They have a place.

I use them extensively for designing a site's GRAPHICAL look and feel. I 
quite agree - *never* use the code they produce! But designing look and 
feel is a different task to coding, and needs different tools. WYSIWYG 
is the tool for that step of the design IMHO. Then the look'n'feel can 
be translated to a CMS or templated or whatever.

Unless there is a *very* good reason not to, *always use a CMS*. 
Websites, HTML, CSS are all easy. It's the updates after you have 
*forgotten* how you coded it that are the pain - and CMS resolves this pain.


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