[Gllug] Open Source lobbying meeting - UKUUG London Thurs 19th

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 13:52:30 UTC 2006

On 17/10/06, David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote:
> On Monday, 16 Oct 2006, Nix wrote:
> >I'm not sure if there *is* a way that will work: perhaps a board mostly
> >composed of those who know about $whatever, and a subset selected at
> >random from the populace, sort of like jury service?
> Sounds rather like the old composition of Health Authorities.

So far all I've seen from 'bringing competition and running health
like a business' has been shockingly bad hygene from lowest bidding
cleaning companies, 'emergancy' out of hours GP services that cost
millions, but consist entirely of telling people to either go to
casulty or call the GP in the morning, and massive deficits that mean
closing perfectly good wards and cancelling surgery despite having the
equipment and people available.

For good measure, it still takes at least several days several days to
transfer patient records under 10 miles, and the new 'choose and book'
system is so useless that you have to telephone and write to sort out
appointments, and the automatic appointment system means calling
receptionists so that a 20 week pregnancy scan is between 19 and 21
weeks rather than < 12 or > 30 weeks.


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