[Gllug] Matrox P650, FC5, Gnome screwed

Daniel P. Berrange dan at berrange.com
Sat Sep 16 23:55:37 UTC 2006

On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 12:14:30AM +0100, Ken Smith wrote:
> I've been setting up a FC5 system that has a Matrox P650 video card. It 
> works reasonably well in RL5 with the vesa driver that installs by 
> default. Thinking I'd try out the Matrox driver, I downloaded it and ran 
> its setup. After finding/sorting a few broken links on this machine it 
> built fine and works the X display. ctl-alt-f1 works properly BUT the 
> Metacity Window Manager in Gnome is trashed. Gnome spends 5-10 minutes 
> starting and then runs without a window manager. KDE works fine. I have 
> re-installed metacity to no effect. Gnome complains about loads of 
> library's missing when running startx from RL3. So it looks like the 
> Matpox proprierary driver thingy takes an axe to the system and 
> certainly kills Gnome. I've run the Matrox de-install and put the 
> xorg.conf back to the original.
> So how to fix? Any Gnome experts among us or is it quicker to fdisk and 
> start again.....

You can use RPM to verify integrity of all your installed packages and
determine which, if any, have been slashed by the Matrox installer.
To verify absolutely everything:

  rpm -Va > /root/verify.log

NB, this will take a very long time because it computes MD5 checksum of
every single file on your disk. If you suspect its just GNOME bits which
are damaged then just verify the few individual GNOME & xorg packages
by name,  rpm -V  <package-name>

Finally, it could just be some GNOME config files which are corrupted,
so if you've not customized anything that you don't mind loosing, then
just rm -rf $HOME/.gnome* $HOME/.gtk* $HOME/.metacity* $HOME/.gconf* &

|=-            GPG key: http://www.berrange.com/~dan/gpgkey.txt       -=|
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|=-   berrange at redhat.com  -  Daniel Berrange  -  dan at berrange.com    -=|
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