[Gllug] Linux invalidates your HP warranty

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 12:26:35 UTC 2007

On 03/04/07, Chris Jones <cmsj at tenshu.net> wrote:
> To my mind, the solution is to buy from vendors who won't say stupid
> things about linux, or better yet, ones who actively support it. Also
> not buying HP laptops is a good plan anyway because they're pretty poor
> IME ;)


My HP nx6110 runs (linux) sweetly with no problems (touch wood) for
the last couple of years of very heavy use, including being lugged
around the house, on planes, trains, in bags, getting thrown off car
seats when idiots don't look before pulling out, etc.

On the other hand, my wife's hp pavillion now runs (XP) through
mollasses, switches itself off once fully recharged (and now some
other occasions), and is a PITA. How much of that is due to software
vs hardware I'm not really sure. It's only about a year older than
mine and it's an awful shonky piece of consumer hardware and I
certainly wouldn't buy one again.


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