OT people receive threats from law firm over P2P (was [Gllug] Wiki -Relakks)

Jason Clifford jason at ukfsn.org
Wed Apr 4 22:37:55 UTC 2007

On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Juergen Schinker wrote:

> > As you publicly confirm that you knowingly run an open network and are
> > aware of the consequences of doing so and claim to be technically
> > competent any UK court would hold you responsible for 3rd party use of the
> > link.
> >
> that is the trick -not me-
> there is no connection between me (my given IP ) and the other end of
> the IP-tunnel.... so no one could hold me responsible nor sniff my (or
> whoevers) generated traffic
> the traffic will apear as coming from a swedish IP

So you route all the traffic from your open AP to a swedish IP and thence 

If so how can you continue to be unaware of the apparent ability of US 
copyright organisations to get the swedish police to act in breach of 
their own laws?

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