[Gllug] SIGSEGV error

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Fri Aug 31 23:30:12 UTC 2007

On 31 Aug 2007, Richard Jones outgrape:

> On Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 12:00:01AM +0100, Nix wrote:
>> It was removed (in GCC 3.4, actually, wow, was it that long ago?) on the
>> basis that modification of string constants has been invalid since the C
>> Standard was ratified in 1989, so it was only really useful for
>> compiling pre-Standard code: and GCC 3.3 had removed the ability to
>> compile such code as part of the final stage of the integrated C
>> preprocessor work. (A good thing too, because Joseph Myers rewrote the C
> I always thought the loss of traditional function declarations was a
> big step backwards.
> f (a, b, c)
>   int a;	/* easier to place */
>   char *b, *c; 	/* comments here */

I always thought it was a big step forwards for those of us who like
meaningful parameter names. All that *repetition*...

/* you can put the comments above the function, a-la lisp docstrings,
   and describe all the parameters at once */

int f (int a,    /* and it's just as easy to place */
       char *b,  /* comments here */
       char *c)  /* you see? */

> {
>  ...
> }
> (Although gcc 4.x does support these still).

Yes, because they're still part of the Standard.

But you can't consider the horrible argument promotion rubbish to be
*advantageous*, surely?
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