[Gllug] Computer Fair and Nottinghill Carnival

DL Neil GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Thu Aug 30 08:55:33 UTC 2007

I found ONE at 'T.Ct Rd'* on Sat, courtesy of the sandwich board guys.  
However ppl coming out were not impressed by the paucity of (?holiday  
weekend) vendors so I saved myself the massive entry fee and rushed  
off to be late elsewhere.
* actually the basement of a Uni building some two blocks west of T.Ct Rd

Where are the others and the Queensway sites exactly, please?
eg Multimap or similar for the benefit of us geographically-challenged


Quoting Colin Murphy <colin at spudulike.me.uk>:

> On Sat, 2007-08-25 at 22:07 +0100, Diana Scott wrote:
>> Can you tell me the address and time of opening of the Computer Fair on
>> Monday ?
>> I want to go to Notting Hill Carnival as well.
> As others have said already, the computer fair Andy was referring to is
> a Saturday only jobbie in Tottenham Court Road.  In truth there are two,
> sometimes three, fairs all in Tottenham Court Road and I tend to lump
> them all into one when I go.
> There is a daily computer fair, though I think it is fairer to think of
> it as a bazaar, in Queensway, the top end by the park, hours are
> something like 11am to 7pm. Queensway wouldn't be too far for Notting
> Hill either.
> --
> Must go; places to be, people to do, stuff to, err, stuff.
> Colin at SpudULike.me.uk
> --
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