[Gllug] Securely disposing of old hard drives

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Mon Aug 20 19:41:24 UTC 2007

On Mon 20 Aug, Richard Jones wrote:

> I'd like to avoid having to dismantle a computer with PATA (if I even
> have one - I'm not sure) and plug in each drive in turn, and reboot
> the computer and so on.

   The fdisk/cfdisk and subsequent mke2fs -c -c can be done from a Knoppix
CD if the drives are still in a PC. I just have a second IDE cable and PSU
connector poking through an unused large drive bay so that I can connect a
drive from the front. It is usually OK to rest it on a flat metal surface,
otherwise a used envelope or a couple of plastic fillers from the front
panel slots to raise it slightly.

Chris Bell

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