[Gllug] changing passwords.

Peter Childs peterachilds at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 07:35:25 UTC 2007

I'm trying to get passwd to work correctly.


my /etc/pam.d/common-passwd looks like

# /etc/pam.d/common-password - password-related modules common to all
# This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
# and should contain a list of modules that define  the services to be
#used to change user passwords.  The default is pam_unix

password      required        pam_cracklib.so retry=3 type=
password        optional        pam_pgsql.so
passwordsufficient pam_unix.so md5 use_authtok shadow nullok shadow
password        required        pam_deny.so
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