[Gllug] Ceasing an ADSL telephone line

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Mon Aug 20 08:41:26 UTC 2007

Jason Clifford wrote:

> Even so your wholesale supplier should be giving you access to the BBCR 
> data (as ours does) - how else will you be able to notify customers when 
> their orders complete?

Yes you're correct we do have that facility but as I said we rarely 
monitor it to see if some idiot has ceased the line without consulting us.

Obviously if they ring up and say "I'm thinking of having El Cheapo 
phone lines cos I can save 20p every 30 years" we warn them that that 
particular phone number has BB activated on it and assist them in 
ensuring continuation of service.

TBH IMO the only thing that any provider should be monitoring is 'Line 
Status' the art is bringing it back up before they ring or at least be 
able to say "We can see you are down we are working on it as we speak"


Peter cannon

"There is every excuse for not knowing
There is no excuse for not asking"
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