[Gllug] (article) Bogus bobbies raid Kings Cross data centre

ccooke ccooke-gllug at gkhs.net
Tue Dec 18 14:33:02 UTC 2007

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 01:50:13PM +0000, Alex Crow wrote:
> > To get into the Level3 facilities I have access to these days, I need my
> > physical card, a code and my hand. It would be best if they had someone
> > checking my face on the card, but the fact that I need a hand scan to
> > get into the floors I have access to is fairly good.
> Is that Goswell Road? Don't try what I did and try to go down the back
> stairwell on the East side. You get stuck in there and have to call
> someone to let you out. That'll teach me to try to find shortcuts!

Or you go all the way down to the ground floor and out the fire exit...
which actually *does* make it a shortcut, although not one I used much. 

for((P=10**8,Q=P/100,X=320*Q/(`tput cols`-1),Y=210*Q/`tput lines`,y=-105*Q,v=-2\
20*Q,x=v;y<105*Q;x=v,y+=Y));do for((;x<P;a=b=i=k=c=0,x+=X));do for((;a*a+b*b<2*\
P*P&&i++<99;a=((c=a)*a-b*b)/P+x,b=2*c*b/P+y));do :;done;(((j=(i<99?i%16:0)+30)>\
37?k=1,j-=8:0));echo -ne "\E[$k;$j"mE;done;echo -e \\E[0m;done # Charles Cooke
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