[Gllug] [Fwd: [piksel] Outrageous disaster: Ogg/Vorbis spec taken out of HTML-5]

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Dec 19 22:54:26 UTC 2007

On 18 Dec 2007, Richard Huxton spake thusly:
> The thing is, I've not seen anyone come up with a good reason why Apple 
> & Nokia *should* back Ogg/etc. It's not easy for me to see what they (or 
> for that matter anyone outside of the "free from patents" community) get 
> from it.

A not very good codec, which needs a format break to become even
reasonably decent.

(Not supporting this doesn't seem like an outrageous disaster to me,
compared to the train-wreck which is software patenting itself.)

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