[Gllug] Server interpreted xhost entries

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue Dec 11 19:53:25 UTC 2007

On 10 Dec 2007, Alex Smith said:
> The second points to using "su"

Well, yes, but it's not that su *adds* those entries: it's that adding
those entries means that X can be made to still work *if you use su*
without having to faff around with cookie files or .Xauthority all the
damn time.

Tet, adding a localuser entry for yourself doesn't seem terribly harmful
to me, and seems like something a distro X startup script might well
do. (You have done a grep -R under /etc for `SI:localuser', I presume?)

I suppose some PAM module could well do it for you, although myself I

# Copies the xauth cookie into place.
session    optional   pam_xauth.so

instead, which forwards your actual cookie rather than using

Do you have any idea when this is getting re-added? Is it just when you
start X? Is it when you log in? Both?

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