Wifi and Linux (Was: [Gllug] Linux on Desktop )

Dan Kolb gllug at eco.li
Tue Feb 13 10:52:13 UTC 2007

On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 09:36:23AM +0000, Ryan Cartwright wrote:
> For example I have two Netgear WG511 PCMCIA cards. Both are version 2 of
> the card, the first one I bought (having researched first) has a prism
> chipset and works well with the prism54 driver. The second one (which I
> bought six months later and "knowing" the card worked) has a different
> chipset (Marvell) for which there is no free software drivers[1]. I had
> to resort to ndiswrapper and the supplied W2K driver - which is not what
> I wanted to do[2]. I'd prefer not to but as this card is not used as
> often I am putting up with the ndiswrapper workaround for now.

This is where I can be really irritating and state that according to the
OpenBSD hardware list, OpenBSD does support the WG511, WG511v2 and WG511v3
cards without having to resort to hacks like ndiswrapper. The only caveat is
that the firmware is non-free, and has to be downloaded separately.

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a
just man is also in prison.
		-- Henry David Thoreau
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