[Gllug] Vista
nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Feb 7 00:19:20 UTC 2007
On 5 Feb 2007, salsaman at xs4all.nl stated:
> It's also against the EULA to run benchmarks, ar say nasty things about
> Vista.
Thankfully I haven't signed it (or even seen it) so I can say as many
nasty things as I like. (Why should a friend's EULA bind me?)
> And it is bound to be slower, because of all the DRM checks. For example,
> when playing video, Vista will check 30 times per second whether you are
> playing "protected" content or not.
Worse: everything gets encrypted before travelling over the *PCI bus*
(and the card has to decrypt it!). Talk about wasting computronium...
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--- Bruce Schneier on the shortage of company names
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