[Gllug] ist that right that the Oyster card got RFID on it?

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at workshy.org
Tue Jan 16 14:16:07 UTC 2007

On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 01:28:38PM +0000, Alain wrote:
> > Ah well, now there's a point.  Why are the cash fares so expensive
> > now?
> Trying to get everyone to adopt oyster. Since the difference is much greater
> than any cost savings I suspect that there is another agenda in play.

I don't think it's a huge secret that the long term hope is for Oyster
to become an electronic money.

> I note that the banks have recently been hit: when you go overdrawn they were charging
> more than the cost of generating the letter/... Some obmudsman or other said that they
> were not allowed to do this. I wonder if we should make a complaint against london transport
> along the same lines -- force them to bring the price down.

The banks have been cautioned for using penalty charges as a source of
income and this does not compare.  The cost of a fare when bought via
Oyster is a discount on the standard fare; the standard fare is not an
explicit penalty.  There are regulations about discounts and product
pricing but it would be hard to nail TFL over this unless the price
difference were significantly larger


I unfortunately do not know how to turn cheese into gold.
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