[Gllug] No more PTYs problem

Adrian McMenamin adrian at newgolddream.dyndns.info
Sun Jan 21 15:45:49 UTC 2007

On a remote box, where I have root access, I can run screen as root, but
not as an ordinary user, despite the fact that I am a member of the tty

I have the right stuff in my /etc/fstab...

adrian at transpero:/dev/pts$ cat /etc/fstab
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/sda1 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/sda2 / ext3 defaults 0 0
devpts     /dev/pts     devpts  defaults              0 0

And /dev/pts looks like this...

adrian at transpero:/dev/pts$ ls /dev/pts -l
total 0
crw--w----  1 adrian tty 136, 0 2007-01-21 15:40 0

and I I run screen as root it look like this:

root at transpero:/dev/pts# ls -l
total 0
crw--w----  1 adrian tty 136, 0 2007-01-21 15:41 0
crw--w----  1 root   tty 136, 1 2007-01-21 15:41 1

>From /etc/group


Some output...

adrian at transpero:/dev/pts$ expect -c "spawn ls"
spawn ls
The system has no more ptys.  Ask your system administrator to create
    while executing
"spawn ls"

Any ideas what is wrong?

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