[Gllug] File permissions and umask on Ubuntu (and I think

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Sun Jan 7 21:36:18 UTC 2007

On Sun 07 Jan, John Winters wrote:

> It's only a sensible one if you don't have separate groups for each user.
> Yes, the traditional UNIX approach is to have all users belonging to a 
> group called "users" and a umask of 0022.  The alternative approach of 
> group-per-user and a umask of 0002 has also been around for a long time 
> too now, and it seems to offer more functionality with no drawbacks, so 
> it too is sensible.
   I thought that you could set the default permissions individually for
each of the directories in /home and this would allow whatever variations
you wished. I have looked using KDE, and it does seem to allow this.

Chris Bell

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