[Gllug] NHS opt out

Martin A. Brooks martin at hinterlands.org
Mon Jan 22 22:54:36 UTC 2007

Mike Brodbelt wrote:
>> Do I want a million or so NHS employees to be able to see my medical 
>> details?  Yes. Hell yes. _Fuck_ yes, in fact.
> Even if they put you down on the database as an alcoholic, and then tell
> lots of people about it without notifying you, including distributing it
> to private companies. Oh, and you can't get the entry corrected without
> withdrawing entirely from the NHS. Good that...

I've already done so, on the basis it's nigh on impossible for me to get 
anything but emergency treatment.

> Why on earth do you believe a large government IT project to create a
> global database of health records will reduce administrative problems
> you have with the service? 

Oh quite.  Yet another mammaries-skywards project from EDS to be sure. 

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