[Gllug] Re: Abit NF7

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue Jan 9 20:24:06 UTC 2007

On 5 Jan 2007, Russell Howe uttered the following:
> Indeed, I think I might have one (SE1), if you would find it useful. I
> don't know if I have a list of what the codes mean though, and since
> most boot failures of new kit are probably either:
> 1) RAM
> 2) Dead CPU
> 3) RAM
> 4) PSU not giving sufficient or stable enough power
> 5) RAM
> 6) Poorly-seated cards
> 7) RAM
> 8) Cables plugged in the wrong way around (harder to do these days as
>    unkeyed IDC connectors are rare)
> 9) Did I mention RAM?

My most recent failure: plug in a drive to the (VIA) motherboard's
second IDE controller and RAM chips above a specific size abruptly cease
to work in one, and only one, of the motherboard's sockets (hw ignoramus
here doesn't know what kind of socket this might be except that it's one
you plug RAM chips into and it goes around in packs of three).


`He accused the FSF of being "something of a hypocrit", which
 shows that he neither understands hypocrisy nor can spell.'
   --- jimmybgood
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