[Gllug] Hello from Cape Town

Richard Huxton dev at archonet.com
Tue Jul 24 20:52:59 UTC 2007

John G Walker wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 20:12:45 +0100 "t.clarke" <tim at seacon.co.uk> wrote:
>> According to the fairly recent Channel 4 program a considerable
>> number of Scientists disagree with the current theory of CO2 causing
>> Global Warming. 
> This programme consisted of faked data, extracts cut from interviews
> with scientists so that they appear to say the opposite of what they
> were saying, etc.

Steady on, you'll be telling me that "World War II Bomber Found on Moon" 
story was faked next...

Oh, and while we're off-topic, people might like to read through the 
kerfuffle about that MMR rubbish The Observer put out a couple of weeks 
ago: http://www.badscience.net/

And don't get me started on Panorama's wifi episode - "mini masts" indeed!

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd
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