[Gllug] Freeview

Christopher Hunter chrisehunter at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Jun 13 04:52:24 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 12:02 +0100, Jason Clifford wrote:

> If that happens only the big providers will be left and they really do not 
> care about customer service levels.

That's what we should all be worried about!  Bandwidth in this country
is already stupidly expensive, with stringent usage restrictions placed
upon most users, high contention ratios, and a lack of truly quick
connections.  BT(and others) have pricing models that seem to be
deliberately aimed at killing off the competition.  

It is almost inevitable that most of the small ISPs will amalgamate, be
acquired by bigger companies and so on.  We're virtually certain to end
up with a very few, very big ISPs.  

There never was any competition in Cable TV and 'net connection, and now
we're saddled with Virgin - they've inherited everything bad from NTL
and Telewest, and added nothing good.  Their "service" is generally
appalling and getting worse, but if you're in some parts of London,
there's nowhere else to go - there are swathes of North London that
can't really supply ADSL (no matter what you're told by BT).


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