[Gllug] ext3 filesystem suddenly full

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Sat Jun 23 09:24:57 UTC 2007

On Sat 23 Jun, t.clarke wrote:
> It seems to me that ideally one needs:
> 1) a very small filesystem at the beginning of the drive containing the kernel
> and enough stuff to initiate a boot.  This then allows the root file system
> to reside anywhere without worrying about cylinder limitations of the BIOS boot.
> 2) a modest root filesystem which contains all the basic programs and stuff
> needed to get the system up and running in multi-user mode.
> 3) another filesystem to contain all the user programs.
> 4) other filesystem(s) to contain 'data'.
> 1 & 2 can be accurately sized it would seem.  3 would obviously need to be sized
> according to what is installed plus a generous amount of spare space.
> 4 could then take the the bulk to the remaining space.

   It is important to allow enough space for a complete kernel and main
library security upgrade without running out of space, even if the new
kernel is larger, so perhaps at least twice the size you need at first.
   A new user would not have a clue.

> Tim

Chris Bell

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