[Gllug] Realplayer and BBCnews Video

Elliot Moore elliot at devnull.org.uk
Fri Jun 1 15:27:38 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I'm having difficulty in watching embedded video from news.bbc.co.uk  
in realplayer under linux/firefox.
Every-time I click on a newsclip, the embedded player in the popup  
causes realplay-bin to segfault.

I can play embedded content from other sites, including BBC TV and  
BBC radio

I am wondering if anyone on this list has a combination that plays  
real video from news.bbc.co.uk in the embedded player.

I've tested combos of:
  CentOS release 4.4
  SuSE 10.1
  RealPlayer- (Nightly from Helix)

Kind Regards,

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