[Gllug] Hard drive problems

Richard Huxton dev at archonet.com
Mon Jun 4 10:56:41 UTC 2007

Benjamin Donnachie wrote:
> t.clarke wrote:
>> Isn't french electricity incompatible with ours  ??
>> Goes the other way round the circuit or something......  :-)
> Their electrons are always on strike...

Sigh - this kind of trivialising of a serious issue always irritates me.
There's no need for all of these old-wives' tales.

Continental Europe all run with metric electrons while we still have 
Imperial electons. Conversion from one to the other is of course not 
exact and so you end up with a fractional charge over/underflow. As 
anyone who attempted to reproduce Millikan's famous experiment in school 
can testify, fractional electronic charges cause nothing but trouble.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd
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