[Gllug] Anyone here speak Ruby and use Rails?

Richard Turner richard at zygous.co.uk
Fri May 18 15:27:39 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 16:13 +0100, John Winters wrote:
> I'm trying to teach myself Ruby using the Rails framework.  I've come up 
> against a problem working out how to invoke a rails method.  It isn't 
> covered in the Rails documentation AFAICS, and a request on the Rails 
> discussion groups produced no response at all.
> Is there anyone here who speaks Ruby and would be willing to cast an eye 
> over a few fragments of code off list?  I'm sure it's something very 
> simple, but it's difficult when you're just starting out with a new 
> language.

I speak Ruby and I'll happily take a look. You should know that Rails is
really not a good way to learn Ruby - unless you're hacking the source.
You'll learn how to use Rails, but you'll only pick-up minimal Ruby
along the way.

You'd be better off reading Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby[1] - it's quite
fun, very off-the-wall, and I found it to be a great tutorial. Then you
can read (the first edition of) Programming Ruby online[2], for free.
Also a very good Ruby book, and the second edition covers Ruby 1.8,
which brought in quite a few changes.



[1] - http://www.poignantguide.net/ruby/
[2] - http://www.rubycentral.com/book/

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