[Gllug] Fonts in openoffice Writer

Richard Jones rich at annexia.org
Wed May 30 09:19:25 UTC 2007

On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 02:52:39AM +0100, Benjamin Donnachie wrote:
> Richard Jones wrote:
> > Both of the typefaces you mention are proprietary - owned (or rather,
> > bought) by Microsoft.
> See http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/

The terms of use of these fonts are extremely limited.  You don't get
source, you can only redistribute them unmodified, and you "must not
supply the fonts, or any derivative fonts based on them, in any form
that adds value to commercial products, such as CD-ROM or disk based
multimedia programs, application software or utilities."  That latter
clause is why you won't find the MS Core Fonts appearing fully
integrated in your favorite distro (at least not legally) - they only
exist at all because of a narrow loophole in the way they were
distributed originally.  What will happen the first time Microsoft
send a C&D to the owners of that site?

With the liberation fonts, on the other hand, you get source and you
may make modifications and redistribute them, just like other GPL

Debian packages: http://technotux.org/dload/ttf-liberation/

Rather interminable discussion on debian-legal about whether the Red
Hat trademark "Liberation" prevents redistribution.  I guess this will
be resolved the same way as Firefox^WIceweasel.



Richard Jones
Red Hat
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