[Gllug] VoIP at home, softphone, interoperability

Progga proggaprogga at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 18:01:52 UTC 2007

On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 05:30:45PM +0000, Chris Jones wrote:
> > What of interoperability with Windows clients and NetMeeting, Skype,
> > Google Talk, or whatever (or is such a complete pipe-dream)?
> You will get very poor interoperability between anything and those
> things generally, because they don't use SIP. Ekiga is capable of
> speaking more than just SIP though, so it can talk to NetMeeting.
> Skype's protocol is entirely secret.
> No idea what Google Talk uses, but I believe they have released
> libraries for it, so maybe someone will hack support into Ekiga.

Google Talk uses jabber (now called XMPP) for IM and Jingle (an extension of

I just noticed that if you have Flash player 9, then you can use the
Google Talk gadget - http://www.google.com/talk/ - an online version of
Google Talk.  You can even embed it in your website.  Not bad :-)

Wikipedia has good coverage of XMPP, Jingle, Google Talk, GTalkr, etc.

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