[Gllug] gnu-linux-friendly ISPs

Don Williams don at rose963.demon.co.uk
Mon Oct 1 13:20:59 UTC 2007

Hi people - my ISP is making noises about offering me a freebie router
if I upgrade to a cheaper service which may offer its "voice over
broadband" in the not-too-distant future.
	I suspect motives: will there be a barring by this ISP of my intended
use of VOIP in that future?
	If I feel I must move to another ISP (in all respects my current
provider is very efficient) which, in members' opinions, is the
preferred or best-rated ISP for efficiency, support of open systems
(particularly Linux) and cost-effectiveness?
	I currently have and use an additional address at Ippimail.

	Don Williams 


      This comes from an HP Pavilion desktop PC running Debian 4,
    using Nvidia GeForce4, Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.06 gHz and 120gig HD
                I advocate the use of GNU/Linux software

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