[Gllug] Monthly broadband?

Jason Clifford jason at ukfsn.org
Mon Oct 22 17:02:01 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 16:49 +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
> I have a friend who is coming over to the UK for just 2 months and
> wants broadband during this time.
> There are several factors that could make this tricky -- she doesn't
> have a UK credit card (but she does have a CC), she would prefer to
> have the thing set up and working as quickly as possible after
> arriving, and of course she only wants it for two months.

They will need a BT phone line for the broadband.

BT will supply a line for less than a year however they will charge a
penalty for ceasing the service of about 3 months line rental - do make
sure everything is in writing though.

I'm not aware of any other PSTN supplier that will do a line for less
than 12 months.

Then you can register with any ADSL supplier that offers 1 month
contracts (like UKFSN!).


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