[Gllug] Embedded Linux & 1Gbps?

Thomi Richards thomir at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 06:42:30 UTC 2007


On 10/16/07, Anthony Newman <anthony.newman at ossified.net> wrote:
> One has to ask why. I assume this is based on an assumption that you can
> get 1Gbps out of some other device, which is surely misplaced. I've
> never seen a gigabit interface attached to a server doing more than
> about 120Mbps while doing anything useful with the data involved (cue
> disagreement from people who just do disk benchmarks using `dd
> if=/dev/zero...`)

Well, I haven't done any formal benchmark testing, but I can tell you
that I run my /home and /srv directories via an NFS/SMB share. Running
those shares at 100MBps is slooooow... I don't think that the actual
data rate is much slower (as you point out), but perhaps the latency
is much lower... BUT, as I said, this is pure speculation, and hasn't
been tested in any way whatsoever

> > Most of the boards I've looked at(*) seem to run at around the 250Mhz
> > mark. Not knowing anything about the hardware theory behind these
> > products, could this be the limiting factor?
> Not really; 1Gbps also looks like 32MHz * 32 bits wide. You wouldn't be
> able to do much else besides, apart from push the bits out somewhere
> else though :)

Well, I guess that for a wireless/ADSL/ethernet router that would be
the case, right?

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