[Gllug] VACANCY - Linux Specialist @ Visual Effects Training Facility

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Wed Oct 3 09:53:57 UTC 2007


Nix wrote:
> interview. Extreme nervousness around people I've never met before in
> conditions of social stress really *really* doesn't help in this

Very unfortunate indeed :(

If I may share my main insight into job interviews (or indeed any such
"performance") it is to try and capture the nervousness and use it to
focus. It's perfectly normal to be nervous, everyone is (and anyone who
tells you otherwise, be they a bloke down the pub or a city high flier,
is lying).

Of course that's very handwavey and possibly of no practical use, but
I've come to positively enjoy interviews as a result of not letting the
nerves overwhelm me.

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net
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